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Campaign Hub

Resources for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Campaign

Campaign Hub

Campaign Summary

The Australian Government and Cancer Council have partnered to encourage Australians to Get2it and participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP).

The eligible screening age for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program has been lowered from 50 to 45. People aged 50-74 will still be sent a free home test kit by the Australian Government every two years, and now people aged 45-49 can also request a free screening kit to be mailed to them.

Bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer, but 90% of bowel cancers can be successfully treated if caught early.  

The majority of people who don’t participate in bowel screening intend to, but they’re busy, forget or don’t get around to it! 

Our campaign reminds these people to Get2it and do their test and normalises bowel screening for those who refuse or who may not understand the program.  

From 1 July 2024, the campaign will run across TV, radio, web, and social media, with messaging tailored to time, audience, and location.

The initial phase of the campaign began Monday 16 June targeting two priority audiences; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and those living in 'hot zones' areas where the monthly average temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius, for 6 months or more each year.

Key messages

Facts and figures

  • Bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer and claims the lives of around 100 Australians every week.   
  • Around 15,000 new cases of bowel cancer are diagnosed in Australia each year.
  • If caught early, 90% of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated.  
  • The bowel screening test detects blood in poo, which can be a sign of pre-cancerous lesions and bowel cancer. 
  • Bowel cancer can start without noticeable symptoms, so it’s important for Australians aged 45 to 74 to participate in bowel screening, even if you feel healthy. Currently only 43.8% of Australians do their bowel screening test and for men, it’s even lower at 41.93%. 
  • If we can increase and sustain participation at 60%, we could save 84,000 lives by 2040.  
  • The national campaign in partnership with the Australian Government calls for Australians aged 45 to 74 to Get2it and do the free test that is sent every two years in the mail.

Calls to action

Our campaign features a primary call to action:   

  • Don’t put off the chance to save your life. Get2it today.  

You can also use these secondary calls to action: 

  • Straight after you brew it… Get2it
  • Get2it first thing in the morning.
  • What you do tomorrow morning could save your life. Get2it
  • Before you Get2bed set a reminder to Get2it in the morning.
  • Tonight, get your kit off (the stack of mail) and place it in the bathroom where you can see it.
  • Less screen time, more screening time. Don’t put of the chance to save your life - Get2it.
  • Before you step out today, take four steps to save your life. Do your bowel screening test.
  • Get2 the test that could save your life.
  • Put your test in the bathroom where you can see it – next to the sink or above the toilet.
  • Set a reminder to do the test using our bowel cancer test reminder.
  • Visit for more information.
  • If you've lost your kit or it's damaged or expired, you can order a replacement test kit online.

Campaign Resources

Bowel screening microsite

Check out the campaign microsite - it provides information about bowel cancer, risk factors, the importance of early detection, step-by-step instructions for completing the bowel screening test, and extra resources for First Nations Communities.

Visit the campaign microsite at

Set reminders to screen

Many intenders receive their test and store it away or forget about it. These reminders give users timely email reminders to Get2it and do the test, so they won’t forget.

Direct users to set a reminder with our bowel cancer screening reminder.

Social media content

Share the campaign social media content across your organisation’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

Download our social media assets and schedule.

Campaign creative assets

Share the campaign creative assets with your audience. These are a small selection of the broader creative you’ll see live in market.

Download the creative assets.

Campaign videos

Watch and share the campaign video, which aims to increase awareness and understanding of the screening test and its importance, as well as urge Australians to Get2it and take the test as soon as they receive it in the mail.

The bowel screening test: Don’t put off the chance to save your life | 15 second version
The bowel screening test: Don’t put off the chance to save your life. Get2it | 30 second version
The bowel screening test: Your next visit to the bathroom could save your life
Talk to your health professional about the free bowel screening test

If you would like to download our campaign video, please contact us at 

Research insights

Want to learn more about the research behind the campaign? Read about the insights that informed the campaign strategy.

Download the summary of research insights.

Email signature

Add the campaign e-signature to your email footer to spread the campaign message among your network.

Download the email signature.

Web banner

Add the campaign web banner to your organisation’s homepage to encourage your audience to Get2it.

Download the web banner.

Information for health professionals

GPs and other primary health professionals play a key role in the success of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. Visit our bowel cancer health professionals page for more information.