Help your friends and family be SunSmart

Is there someone you care about who could be doing more to protect themselves from UV?

Help your friends and family be SunSmart
Help your friends and family be SunSmart

You may feel confident that you’re already following all the right steps to protect your skin from UV radiation, but is there a family member or friend who is not as sun savvy? Someone who always shrugs when you pass them the sunscreen, never seems to have a hat on and whose neck is constantly red in the summertime?

Almost twice as many Australian men as women die from melanoma. 

Whatever your age, it’s never too late to start using sun protection. Every time we follow the five SunSmart steps, we reduce our chance of developing skin cancer.

Did you know that UV radiation is invisible? It can damage unprotected skin even on a cold and cloudy day, especially if you are someone who works, or spends a lot of leisure time, outdoors.

A wooden cricket wicket is in the foreground and in focus. Behind it, out of focus, is a person in full cricket gear swinging a cricket bat on a pitch.

Is your loved one a cricket fan?

Share our tips on how to stay SunSmart at the ground.

Practical tips to help your friends, family and workmates stay SunSmart

  • Share the SunSmart app with them so they can download it to their phone. This makes it really easy to know what the UV index is at any time, in any location in Australia so they know exactly when they need to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide.
  • Suggest some practical things to make it easier to remember, like always keep a hat and a pair of sunnies in the car, or near the door. There are many more practical tips they could try out here to limit the risk of developing skin cancer.
  • Challenge them to take our quick SunSmart quiz. They may think they know about sun protection, but this quiz will separate the experts from those who need to brush up on the basics.
  • If they work as a tradie outdoors, it’s important to know about the increased risk of developing skin cancer compared to someone who works indoors. Send them the link to our Tradie Toolbox, which was developed to help keep tradies SunSmart and UV safe on work sites.
  • If they’re into outdoor hobbies like fishing or sports, consider buying them some sun protection gear like a hat, rashie or a sun shelter for Christmas or a birthday.