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This fact sheet is endorsed by the Australasian College of Dermatologists

Summary statement

Too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage, and skin cancer. Overexposure to UV during childhood and adolescence is a major factor in determining future skin cancer risk[1][2][3][4].

A baby’s skin is sensitive and can burn easily[5]. The mechanisms are unclear, but the skin is particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of solar UV during childhood. The possibility that sun exposure during childhood stimulates the initial mutational step in the development of melanoma is supported by epidemiological research[6]. The cumulative nature of sun damage indicates that babies should be protected from exposure to UV from the day they are born[7]. It is recommended that babies under 12 months are kept away from direct sunlight when UV levels reach 3 or above.

When UV levels are below 3, sun protection is generally not required and a few minutes of direct UV exposure is considered safe and healthy for babies. However, if spending longer periods of time outdoors during low UV periods, it is recommended that your baby is wrapped or dressed in clothing that covers as much skin as possible, wears a hat and is kept in the shade.

Parents and care providers are encouraged to access UV levels and the daily sun protection times for their location which are available in the weather section of the newspaper, at Cancer Council's website, on the free SunSmart app, and at the Bureau of Meteorology website.


To protect babies from solar UV, Cancer Council Australia recommends using a combination of sun protection measures whenever UV Index levels reach 3 or above as shown by the daily sun protection times.

Plan daily activities to ensure the baby is well protected from the sun. Aim to minimise time (or take particular care) outside during the middle hours of the day during the summer period when UV levels are at their strongest. These vary depending on your location in Australia, so checking the UV index is recommended.

Children often copy those around them and learn by imitation. Research shows that if adults adopt sun protection behaviours, the children in their care are more likely to do the same[8].

  • Use a combination of sun protection measures and never rely on just one:
    • Seek shade. Make use of any available shade for the baby's pram, stroller or play area. The material used should cast a dark shadow. UV can be scattered or reflected so even in the shade, other sun protection methods should be used. Consider using a cover for the car windows. Untinted clear auto glass (side windows) blocks almost all UVB radiation, but only 21% of UVA radiation[9].
    • Slip on clothing that covers as much of the baby’s skin as possible. Choose cool, loose fitting clothes and wraps made from densely woven fabrics. Some fabrics have an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) rating. The higher the UPF, the greater the protection provided by the fabric. If possible, choose fabrics that are at least UPF15 (good protection), but preferably UPF50 (excellent protection).
    • Slap on a broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire style hat so the baby’s face, neck and ears are protected. For young babies, choose a fabric that will crumple easily when they put their head down. Consider the hat’s size and comfort, the amount of shade it provides to the face, if it will obstruct vision, hearing or safety. Hats that can be adjusted at the crown are best. If the hat is secured with a long strap and toggle, ensure it has a safety snap, place the strap at the back of the head or trim the length so it doesn’t become a choking hazard.
    • Slop on sunscreen. The widespread use of sunscreen on babies under six months is not generally recommended as babies have very sensitive skin which may be more likely to suffer a reaction[10]. For babies older than six months, sunscreen should be used as the last line of defence after avoiding direct sunlight, putting on covering clothing, a hat and shade. Sunscreen should be applied 15–20 minutes before going outside. To help ensure it is effective sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or more often if it has been wiped or washed off. If you are concerned about reactions to sunscreen, Cancer Council recommends performing a usage test before applying a new sunscreen, where a small amount of the product is applied on the inside of the forearm for a few days to check if the skin reacts, prior to applying it to the rest of the body. While the usage test may show whether the skin is sensitive to an ingredient in the sunscreen, it may not always indicate an allergy, as this may also occur after repeated use of the product. As with all products, use of any sunscreen should cease immediately and medical attention should be sought if any unusual reaction is observed. Professional assessment and testing by a dermatologist may be useful in identifying the ingredient in the sunscreen that is causing the reaction[10].
    • Slide on some sunglasses, if practical, to protect the eyes. Look for sunglasses that are labelled AS/NZS 1067:2016 and are a close fitting, wrap-around style that covers as much of the eye area as possible. Some babies’ sunglasses have soft elastic to keep them in place. Toy or fashion-labelled sunglasses do not meet the requirements for sunglasses under the Australian Standard and should not be used for sun protection.
  • Check the baby’s clothing, hat and shade positioning regularly to ensure s/he continues to be well protected from UV.

Vitamin D

A lack of UV exposure can lead to low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to UV radiation and is necessary for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and muscles.

There is no evidence to indicate Australian children are low in vitamin D and most babies and children will get enough vitamin D from their daily exposure. Babies with darker skin types may produce less vitamin D[11]. Vitamin D deficiency can also be a problem in chronically ill, or institutionalised children[12] and in babies of vitamin D deficient mothers[13]. However, because Vitamin D is only produced for the first few minutes of sun exposure each day[14], extended and deliberate sun exposure without any form of sun protection is not recommended, even for those diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency.

If you are concerned about a baby’s vitamin D levels, it is best to speak with a doctor.

Nappy rash

Nappy rash includes a number of inflammatory skin conditions of the groin and buttock area that are direct or indirect result of wearing nappies. Nappy rash is extremely common and generally results from a combination of factors that begin with prolonged exposure to moisture from urine and faeces. Appropriate recommendations include frequent nappy changing, applying barrier creams to the affected areas and exposing the inflamed area to the open air as much as possible[15]. The practice of exposing a naked baby to direct or indirect sun puts them at high risk of sunburn and skin damage and therefore is not recommended.


Neonatal jaundice generally only causes concerns in about 10% of babies[7]. Treatment for jaundice should be under medical supervision in a controlled environment. Exposing babies to direct sun is inappropriate to treat neonatal jaundice.

Fact sheet details

This fact sheet was developed by Cancer Council Australia's National Skin Cancer Committee. The fact sheet was externally reviewed by Dr. Vanessa Morgan, Dermatologist. It was endorsed by Cancer Council Australia's principal Public Health Committee and published in April 2017 and updated in December 2017.

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  1. Armstrong B. How sun exposure causes skin cancer: An epidemiological perspective. In: Hill D, Elwood JM, English DR. Prevention of Skin Cancer. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2004. p. 89-116.
  2. Whiteman DC, Whiteman CA, Green AC. Childhood sun exposure as a risk factor for melanoma: a systematic review of epidemiologic studies. Cancer Causes Control 2001 Jan;12(1):69-82 Available from:
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  6. Armstrong BK. Epidemiology, causes and prevention of skin diseases. In: Grob JJ, Stern RS, MacKie RM, Weinstock WA. Melanoma: childhood or lifelong sun exposure. Carlton: Blackwell Science; 1997 Available from:
  7. Hurwitz S. The sun and sunscreen protection: recommendations for children. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1988 Jun;14(6):657-60 Available from:
  8. Dobbinson S, Fairthorne A, Bowles K-A, Sambell N, Spittal M, Wakefield M. Sun protection and sunburn incidence of Australian children: summer 2003–04. Melbourne: Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer, Cancer Council Victoria; 2005 Jul.
  9. Bernstein EF, Schwartz M, Viehmeyer R, Arocena MS, Sambuco CP, Ksenzenko SM. Measurement of protection afforded by ultraviolet-absorbing window film using an in vitro model of photodamage. Lasers Surg Med 2006 Apr;38(4):337-42 Available from:
  10. Australasian College of Dermatologists. A-Z of skin: Sun Protection & Sunscreens. [homepage on the internet] ACD; 2016 [cited 2017 Jan 10]. Available from:
  11. Dawson-Hughes B. Racial/ethnic considerations in making recommendations for vitamin D for adult and elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1763S-6S Available from:
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