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Age when diagnosed: 38

Type: Breast cancer

I first noticed a lump when I was breastfeeding, which I initially thought was mastitis or something else benign, but decided to get checked anyway.

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The nurse I saw thought it needed further investigation, I initially thought this may have been an overreaction but decided to follow the medical advice which I now credit with saving my life. I had a mastectomy followed by chemo and radiation therapy. If you notice something different about your body, take it seriously.

If you notice something different about your body, take it seriously."

I am now in recovery after six rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and two rounds of radiation. Take changes in your body seriously and just get anything you are unsure about checked.

It is important to check your body regularly, so you know what is normal for you. If you notice any changes in your body, see your doctor.

For more information visit Early Detection and Screening.