Cancer Survivorship Webinar
5 October 2021

As part of our Online Community Cancer Connections project, funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund, we will be offering a free webinar; “Shifting from Illness to Wellness”. The webinar will be held on Friday 8th October from 11-12.30pm.
Topics include dealing with the impact of cancer after treatment, fear of recurrence and scan anxiety, navigating the post treatment stage from illness to wellness and the importance of exercise in survivorship.
Hear from guest speakers Debbie Dunn, a survivor of bowel cancer, Dr Carrie Lethborg, a senior social worker at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Nicole Kinnane, a senior cancer nurse and Andrew Bonsey, an exercise physiologist at the HT Health Group in Hobart.
Registration is essential and can be done by phoning 1300 65 65 85 or emailing