Future Fund
All Cancers. All Tasmanians.

Will you contribute to our mission towards
a cancer free future?
Cancer Council Tasmania (CCT) needs your generosity to achieve our mission towards a cancer free future.
More than 10 Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer every day. This adds to the 26,000 Tasmanians already living with or who have had a cancer diagnosis. National research indicates that this figure is going to increase by 70% to over 17 people per day by the year 2040, meaning 1 in 18 of us will be living with a personal history of cancer. On current population growth, this equates to over 44,000 Tasmanians.
Currently we provide over 4,000 occasions of cancer-related support. In 2040, that number will need to increase to over 7,000 to meet demand for our support services due to the increased number of diagnoses.
Tasmanian families impacted by cancer heavily rely on Cancer Council Tasmania for practical and emotional support, and we would not be able to offer our services without the generous donations we receive. The majority of our funds – more than 85% – come directly from the community through fundraising, bequests, donations and sponsorships, all of which contribute to securing the future operations of CCT.
You can help make a positive difference in the lives of Tasmanians living with cancer, and prepare CCT for the future, with our Future Fund. Future-proofing our essential cancer support services, vital cancer research, client transport and education.
Secure the Future Fund today
Learn More:
To discuss this opportunity, and further explore the work of Cancer Council Tasmania please contact Alison Lai, Chief Executive Officer, on +61 3 6169 1900 or email alai@cancertas.org.au. A phone call or face-to-face discussion is always welcome.