How can Cancer Council Tasmania help you?
Cancer Council Tasmania

How we help
Cancer Council Tasmania provides free, professional support services to Tasmanians diagnosed with cancer, their family and friends.
Our support staff work with clients to assist them through a cancer diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and bereavement.
All our programs are endorsed by our Clinical Advisory Group to ensure they reflect best practice, are high quality and are run by appropriately qualified facilitators.
What we provide
Individual Support with access to professional staff in our Cancer Support Centres in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport.
- Group-based peer support in our cancer support groups.
- Practical support programs , such as wigs, transport, and pro bono financial and legal advice
- Complementary therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, tai chi and oncology massage.
- Additional financial assistance for young people 18 years and under when diagnosed with cancer
- Seize the Day Educational Scholarships for 16-25 year olds to assist with post secondary study
- Outreach services available within some hospitals and cancer treatment centres.
Need further support?
Please contact Cancer Council Tasmania Support Services on:
Telephone: 1300 65 65 85
Form: Contact us here
15 Princes St, Sandy Bay
69 Howick St, Launceston
North West
Suite 2/45 Best St, Devonport
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More than 9 Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer every day.
We're here to help - now and in the future
Providing free, trusted information and support for over 26 years.
support contacts to those impacted by cancer
clients receiving Oncology Massage
cancer information resources distributed
of financial assistance to Tasmanians
wigs in our free state-wide wig library collection
clients attending Mindfulness sessions
treatment appointments were possible due to our transport2treatment service
$5 million contributed to Tasmanian-based cancer research to date.
How your contribution can make a real difference
$10 Provides a newly diagnosed cancer patient with support and information
$15 Recruits and trains a volunteer to participate in our Volunteer Community Speaker Program
$25 Contributes towards the set up costs of our cancer support groups
$30 Transports a cancer patient to and from hospital for treatment through our transport2treatment program
$50 Funds a call to a qualified oncology nurse on our helplines to answer any query relating to cancer at any stage of the disease
$100 Educates Tasmanian children to be SunSmart
$150 Contributes to support programs which assist cancer patients in building their health and wellbeing during and after treatment
$200 Provides a wig to a cancer patient who is undergoing treatment through our state-wide wig library
$300 Gives financial assistance for a cancer patient who needs support to pay their bills.
$500 Provides training to assist in building the capacity of communities to provide support in their local area
$1000 Provides an education grant for a young person affected by cancer so they can continue their tertiary studies
$1500 Provides a scholarship for Tasmanian health and education professionals working with children or adolescents to undergo professional development relating to the improvement of cancer support and control
$2000+ Provides a contribution to Tasmanian based research projects to help the fight against cancer.
All funds raised in Tasmania stay in Tasmania.